KMU’s Statement of Solidarity with Samsung Workers of South Korea

Kilusang Mayo Uno expresses full solidarity with the brave Samsung workers in South Korea who have embarked on an indefinite strike starting July 8 against Samsung Electronics, the world’s largest memory chip maker. The significance of Samsung Electronics in the global high-end chip market cannot be understated, and the National Samsung Electronics Union, representing over 30,000 workers, has been steadfast in their demands for improvements to annual leave, transparent bonuses, better working conditions, and a wage increase.

The refusal of Samsung Electronics management to engage in meaningful negotiations with the workers, despite months of talks since January and the breakdown of discussions, speaks volumes about the company’s disregard for the fundamental rights and welfare of its workforce. The strike, initiated as a last resort by the workers, is a testament to their unwavering commitment to secure fair treatment and just compensation for their labor.

It is appalling that Samsung Electronics, known for its aggressive anti-union tactics that prevented workers from forming unions for 55 years, continues to thwart the legitimate demands of its employees. The strike also stands as a firm opposition to the business-friendly policies of the Yoon Suk Yeol government, highlighting the urgent need for pro-worker legislation such as the Trade Union and Labour Adjustment Act currently pending in the National Assembly.

Kilusang Mayo Uno and the Filipino workers stands in solidarity with the workers of Samsung and their union in their struggle for dignity and rights in the workplace. The actions of Samsung workers resonate deeply with our stance for workers’ rights, decent working conditions, and the freedom to organize. We urge workers worldwide to take inspiration from the Samsung workers’ courage, to form unions, and to collectively fight against exploitative practices by corporations.

The fight for workers’ rights knows no borders, and through solidarity and collective action, victories can be achieved. We call on workers globally to stand united, to resist intimidation from corporations, and to persist in demanding fair treatment, just wages, and humane working conditions. Together, we can pave the way for a more just and equitable world for all workers.
