KMU on the enduring resistance of Palestine

Kilusang Mayo Uno vehemently condemns the ongoing US-backed Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people. As we commemorate the enduring resistance of Palestine, we reaffirm our solidarity with their struggle against the zionist settler Israel and warmonger US.

The atrocities committed by the Israeli government, with full support from US imperialism, are a grave violation of human rights and an affront to human dignity. Over the past year, 42,000 Palestinian lives have been lost to direct military aggression, while many more suffer from forced starvation, disease, and the destruction of vital infrastructure. The recent escalation in violence, with bombings in Lebanon and Syria, underscores the relentless expansion of Israeli aggression in the region.

Moreover, the exploitation and wage theft faced by over 200,000 Palestinian workers employed in Israel further exacerbate the plight of the Palestinian people. These workers, subjected to exploitative conditions and denied their rightful wages, are a glaring testament to the systemic injustices perpetuated by the Israeli government. The complaint filed by global trade unions against Israel for violations of the International Labour Organization’s Protection of Wages Convention highlights the urgent need for justice and reparations for these workers.

KMU joins the call for the immediate cessation of US military support to Israel. The weapons supplied by the US not only enable the genocide in Palestine but also threaten global peace and security. In the Philippines, the continued presence of US military bases and arms procurement from Israel compromise our sovereignty and implicate our nation in these imperialist wars.

We demand the expulsion of US military forces from Philippine soil and call for the cancellation of arms deals with Israel. Our people’s resources should not fund genocide and terrorism. The struggle of the Palestinian workers mirrors the plight of Filipino workers under an oppressive system that prioritizes foreign interests over the welfare of its people.

KMU salutes the unwavering spirit of the Palestinian resistance and pledges to intensify our protests in solidarity with their cause. We call on all trade unions and progressive organizations to unite and amplify our voices against the US-Israel war machine. We demand an end to US support for Israel’s war crimes and call for justice and peace for the Palestinian people.

Justice for Palestinian workers!
From Palestine to the Philippines, Stop the US War Machine!
Long live the Palestinian Resistance!