Kilusang Mayo Uno fully supports Nexperia workers’ strike voting

Kilusang Mayo Uno stands in solidarity with the courageous Nexperia workers as they conduct their strike voting today amidst the unjust layoffs and cost-cutting measures imposed by the multinational corporation.

The recent wave of layoffs at the multinational company, Nexperia, which has resulted in over 500 workers being dismissed based on performance, is a clear indication of the company’s profit-driven motives at the expense of its workforce. Nexperia’s relentless pursuit of automation and the 1:8 ratio is a blatant display of prioritizing profits over the livelihoods of its workers.

The decision of Nexperia workers to file a notice of strike on June 26 is a bold and necessary step in condemning the unfair labor practice of mass layoffs and to continue demanding fair wages, benefits, and job security from the management. Kilusang Mayo Uno fully supports their struggle for a just collective bargaining agreement that upholds the rights and dignity of all workers.

As the workers of Nexperia continue to fight for their rights, we recognize the strength and unity of their union in pushing back against exploitative practices. Through collective action and the unwavering support of the Filipino masses, we believe that the demands of the Nexperia workers are not only valid but essential for a fair and just workplace.

Kilusang Mayo Uno calls on workers around the world to stand in solidarity with Nexperia workers in their fight for decent work conditions and against Nexperia. Together, through collective struggle and international solidarity, we can uphold the rights and welfare of all workers, ensuring that no worker is left behind in the pursuit of justice and equality.

Solidarity with Nexperia workers!

Uphold workers’ rights and dignity!